So what are the key colour trends this autumn/winter?I’m not generally one for following trends unless it happens to be something that fits with my style and colour palette. This autumn I think I hit the jackpot with the colour trends as there seem to be quite a few which match the colour palette for my skintone. This is great news because it means my current autumn wardrobe will be right on trend this year.Green: Cardamom/Olive green (warm tones) – Combine it with orange, pink or whiteAmazon Green – Combine it with red Yellow:Samoan Sun – works well with blue and blackSpicy Mustard – wear it with complementary colours Orange:Wear it with blue or white RedWear it with black, white or grey PinkTry rose violet with yellow Purple(My favourite colour!)Wear it with black, brown or blue BlueWhy not team it with a neutral colour? (See below) NeutralsTry dark or light grey with lime green or blue. You could also try peach with orange or brown or even combine brown with green, blue or orange. So those are colours for Autumn/Winter 2022The colours I will be rocking this autumn will be green, mustard, orange and purple from the colourful collection and from the neutrals I will break out my browns and the autumn blond shades, as these complement my warm, slightly olive skin tone. What colours are you loving this autumn? I’d love to know what you think so please comment below.If these are not your usual colours for your clothing, then you can always experiment with accessories as a less scary and inexpensive way to see if a colour suits you.Which brings to me to thinking perhaps I should create a guide on my website for choosing colours to suit your skin tone to help you choose for yourself or help you when buying gifts for others.Would you find a guide like this helpful? Let me know in the comments or join the conversation on my social media channels.à bientôtNatalie Related Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Ten Halloween and Pumpkin ActivitiesNext PostNext Ten alternatives to wrapping paper